2009 First Frost Rally Instructions

This rally ended up being more challenging than we expected, partly due to dual street names, and multiple streets with the same name.  But we thought you may have wanted to see the instructions from the other classes.  Being the last rally of the year where the novice navigator's championship would be decided, we made Novice tougher than normal and offered every novice competitor a sealed envelope with the touring instructions.  If you returned it unopened at the end of the rally, you scored in novice.  If you had to open it, you are moved to the touring class.

A couple of quick corrections:  Section A1 in the ODO check:  It's the FIRST 3rd Line on your left, not the one 200m up the road from it.  Section A2, Sideroad 25 is actually signed as 21.  (ooops)

Don't forget to check the last minute instructions! There's something important in there. Intermediates received the Novice instructions.

Note that for the Novice map in C1 (novice page 11), this was printed onto a 24" high, 36" wide plotter page.  For the Expert map in C1 (expert page 13), this was printed onto 8.5" x 11" pages in 16 pieces.  The map had to be assembled.

Touring Class Instructions

Novice Class Instructions

Expert Class Instructions

Last Minute Instructions

End of Section A Map

End of Section B Map

End of Section C Map